Workshop GID Route (Gestion Innovante des dépendances routières)

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The impact evaluation on the territory of roadside management was the theme of the Workshop held on October 31 on the Lorraine Fab Living Lab® (LF2L) platform.

Noremat - ERPI

Researchers from the ERPI laboratory of the University of Lorraine and the company NOREMAT welcomed representatives from various institutions and organizations such as the Greater Nancy Metropolis, DIR-Est, Cerema, Scalen, Eurovia, Agroparistech as well as several entrepreneurs in the sector. At the end of the workshop, the importance of valuing the benefits of the different interview strategies emerged, as well as adapting them to the local context. Finally, raising awareness and informing citizens about these benefits is essential in order to change attitudes towards a more sustainable management of roadside verges.

Noremat - ERPI
