48 hours to revive dormant patents

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48 Hours to revive dormant patents

Within the framework of the Orion PIA projet, ENSGSI and ERPI in association with the PeeL and the Incubateur Lorrain, are organizing the challenge : « 48 Hours to revive dormant patents ».

Between the 5 to 7 july 2021, more than 60 participants (PhD and Master students) participate to this event. The groups work on three different subjects proposed by research institutes of the Université de Lorraine: 2 patents, one from the IJL (Institut Jean Lamour) and a second from LERMAB (Laboratoire d’Etudes et de Recherche sur le Matériau Bois), and a research subject from the Geenage – LUE project.

Keynote speaker:

Dr. Ferran Giones, Deputy Director of the Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation Sciences, University of Stuttgart, Germany

Goals for participants:
• To get better knowledge on the factors determining technology commercialization from university R&D • To acquire skills in market intelligence and foresight. • To Know how to use tools for technology watch. • To put their scientific skills to the service of a group.
