“DHDA” (Humans & Trees) project involves more than 100 regional partners, the Living lab approach supports the network of “DHDA” relay structures and places with the public (e.g. LF2L, Forest Inn Lab, Citique, etc.).
DHDA is one of the 24 national winners of the French PIA3 - Programme d’Investissement d’Avenir action “Territoires d’innovation” (Territories of Innovation).
Project benefiting from Lorraine Smart Cities Living Lab
The Lorraine Smart Cities Living Lab brings together several teams from the University of Lorraine.
In 2018, INRAE Grand Est and AgroParisTech centre de Nancy joined the governance of the LSCLL as part of the national “Territories of Innovation” challenge with the “Des Hommes et des Arbres” project.
It experiments, develops and capitalizes on a dynamic of universality based on:
- A legally neutral university space
- A third party guarantor
- A university foundation: NIT Foundation
- A Fab Living Lab Engineering proposing an integrated process: 2D - Ideation; 3D - Materialization ; 4D Test by use
- Open Citizen Labs engineering, for: Facilitate access to places where users and citizens are present; Involve them in all stages of a project
It covers: 5 Issues for innovative territories:
- The Man / Nature Relationship
- The Digital Transition
- The Energy and Ecological Transition
- The Art of Living and Moving
- Health and well-being at all stages of life
- Laurent DUPONT: l.dupont{at}univ-lorraine.fr
- Manon ENJOLRAS: manon.enjolras{at}univ-lorraine.fr